Hello Beloved Clients and Family,REV ATX has been just as shocked and taken aback by the recent world events surrounding COVID-19 as everyone else. We wanted to update you on tax planning as well as what we know about how the government intends to help small businesses like ours during this scary time. The SBA has some great updates on current recommendations as well as remediation for lost income and how to stay afloat during all of this here: is expected that there will be some government relief for small business owners above and beyond what is linked above. At this point we are urging all clients NOT TO PANIC about the loss of income. This country is built on the backs of small business, and we know this city certainly is. We expect a response that is commensurate with all the value we all bring every day to our communities. Your business is important to this economy, don't let the current atmosphere make you doubt that for one second. The IRS has some updates on current tax relief and due dates here: an official extension for taxes has not yet happened one is expected very soon from the highest offices of government. For now we will continue to file as we have been and send in any extensions needed to ensure no one faces fines or penalties. We are also going to follow the recommendations of so many health professionals and limit our face to face interactions at this time. This means that most of the REV team will be working from home. We are currently setting up processes to make this possible, including security measures to protect your confidential information. This will mean that we may not be as responsive as usual in the next few days as we iron out this new arrangement. Please be patient and understand that we are working hard to be here for you in the coming weeks and months. LIkewise, meetings with Katie will no longer be in person. She will have phone calls or video calls with all clients needing assistance during this time. If you already have a meeting set we will need to change this to a phone call or video conference. If you have frequent drop offs/pickups with us there will still be someone here at the office each day to facilitate checks going out and other important functions. We will continue to pick up info and drop off info to you on our scheduled times. IF YOU'D LIKE TO START SCANNING THINGS OVER INSTEAD PLEASE REACH OUT AND LET US KNOW. We want to keep you as safe as possible during this time as well. We are practicing high level hygiene and social distancing to ensure everyone stays safe, healthy, and we protect the most vulnerable people in our communities. We encourage you all to do what you can to keep yourselves and your loved ones and co-workers safe as well. It's our biggest wish that this blows over quickly and we can all get back to our lives. Let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do for you during all of this. If you need to vent or have someone reassure you we are always here to do everything we can. Thank you, as always, for being a part of our family. -Katie and the REV ATX Team --
                * We've recently moved! You can now find us at 2111 W. Slaughter Ln, Austin, TX 78748

Need to talk to Katie on the phone or in person? Schedule some time here